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《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31

恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明3dm 恐怖黎明3dm攻略 2018-10-26 17:56:18

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)恐怖黎明3dm攻略组来给各位喜欢恐怖黎明3dm的小伙伴分享关于《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31的精彩内容


The Loxmere Nightmage now has a chance to spawn in a fixed location that can be avoided by players who do not wish to contend with the nightmarish possessed, rather than randomly in unavoidable locations. However, for those that do brave a conflict with the Nightmage, he now has a chance to drop a Monster Infrequent unique to him.

Loxmere Nightmage现在固定位置产生,但是掉率下降

Reduced the burst potential and high-level scaling on the Loxmere Nightmage. In addition, this boss is now less likely to open up with a Shadow Strike.

Loxmere Nightmage减少了气爆概率和成长,并且暗影突袭概率下降

The Outcast now has a chance to drop a Legendary version of her unique hood at level 80+, and an increased chance to drop the Epic version with each tier of her Hostile status.


Fixed a bug that prevented Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil allies from spawning in the Necropolis to support you if your status with them was above 5000 and you completed the "The Necropolis" quest


Reduced % Current Life resistance on Heroes and Bosses


Threat generation has been updated: Debuff effects and Damage over Time now only generate threat on their initial application.


Rapidly attacking a target now generates reduced threat.Reduced the amount of threat transferred from pets to the summoner. Increased the cooldown at which certain mobs and bosses will attempt to ignore pets.


The next chapter of the story revolving around the blade Stormheart and its owner awaits...


The Steps of Torment exit monolith is now only active after you open the main loot chest


Target Dummies have been added to Devil's Crossing, Homestead and Fort Ikon


Transparency settings have been adjusted to improve navigating the barns and shacks in act 2


Bounties that asked for trivial materials (ex. Scrap) have been removed from the rotation



以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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