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《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31

恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明3dm 恐怖黎明3dm攻略 2018-10-26 17:56:18

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)恐怖黎明3dm攻略组来给各位喜欢恐怖黎明3dm的小伙伴分享关于《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31的精彩内容


Most secret areas now have significantly improved loot the first time you discover them on a character, per difficulty.


Reduced the cap on the Loghorrean's summons and increased the cooldown of its Tentacles summon


Slightly increased the minimum range for the Loghorrean's Chaos Barrage (he can still cast it in melee if you are approaching him as he begins the cast, but you are less likely to deal with this ability if you are trying to stay on him in melee). Also slightly increased the cooldown.


Removed the Ranged Fumble applied by Shar'Zul's Fire Winds, reduced its potency on Loghorrean's Void Rifts

删除了Shar'Zul's Fire Winds的远程闪避,减少其对抗鲍鱼虚空裂隙的能力。

Avatar of Mogdrogen: reduced % Damage Absorption and damage bonus at low health, slightly reduced his damage, Offensive Ability, Defensive Ability and Health Regeneration scaling with level.Increased the cooldown on his summons.


Fabius: reduced the % heal from his Pneumatic Burst and added a small flat heal to it to compensate at lower levels. This heal was scaling too extremely on Ultimate difficulty, making the encounter too drawn out. In addition, the Attack Speed bonus from Pneumatic Burst has been reduced by 10%.


Nemesis: various Nemesis boss self-buff effects are no longer susceptible to Dispel (ex. Nullification)


Nemesis: removed some of the more obscure spawn locations for the Aetherial and Chthonian Nemesis


Fixed a rare bug that could cause the Aetherial, Chthonian or Cronley's Gang Nemesis not to spawn during a session


Changed multiplayer experience gains to only average party-member player levels of those members near the action.


In multiplayer, low-level players can now gain XP when killing level-appropriate monsters (only when no very high-level players are nearby).


以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《恐怖黎明3dm》恐怖黎明B31更新内容(中英文对照版)_恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明B31相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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