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《完美csgo》csgo官网2月21日更新内容_csgo csgo官网

CSGO 完美csgo 完美csgo攻略 2018-12-17 23:00:36

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)完美csgo攻略组来给各位喜欢完美csgo的小伙伴分享关于《完美csgo》csgo官网2月21日更新内容_csgo csgo官网的精彩内容



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update ReleasedCommunity Announcements - CS:GO OfficialRelease Notes for 2/20/2014
- Started Operation Phoenix
- Operation Phoenix Passes are available for purchase. They provide access to:
-- Eight maps, chosen by the community, available on official CS:GO matchmaking for all game modes.
-- An upgradable Operation Coin, that tracks all competitive matchmaking statistics for the duration of the event.
-- Exclusive access to the new Operation Phoenix Case, with 13 Community-Created Weapon Finishes.
上面 是说 出了 一个 凤凰币 行动,和 以前的 brave 英勇行动币一样,玩家选出来的优秀的 8张地图,购买了 凤凰币 就可以玩到了,可以升级,金银铜,出了一个 凤凰箱子,箱子里面 有 高达awp,和一把 墨黑红边的 ak,土豪们又有展现的机会了~~
- Teammate Colors:
-- Added convar cl_color to allow players to set their preferred teammate color index.
-- Renamed teammate colors convar to cl_teammate_colors_show and added option to display Color Letters over teammate colors in competitive ("cl_teammate_colors_show 2").
-- Teammate preferred color can now be chosen when in a lobby and displays above player avatars.
- Damage can no longer be done to teammates during a freeze period in any mode.
- Fixed cs_baggage skybox texture.
- Fixed cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 and cl_teamid_overhead 0 not hiding the overhead player arrows.
- Fixed player flair icons getting cropped on avatars in the lobby.
上面主要是针对 比赛是 雷达上 的队友颜色的一些调整,加了一些可调参数,队友可以定义颜色,详细等翻译帝来翻译,自己可以上游戏去体验下先~~
[Aug and SG556]
- Scope dot no longer fades too quickly during online play.
- Scope dot is slightly more visible against bright backgrounds.
- Scope dot is now tinted using the player's crosshair color settings.
针对 aug 和556 ,机瞄时的 那个 红点进行优化,到底优化成啥样子,进游戏自己试试看吧~
- Overpass
-- Smoothed out movement on truck in Bombsite A
-- Simplified cover in bombsite B
-- Removed some trees in upper park
-- Smoothed out ground in canal
-- Removed small walls near playground entrance
-- Tweaked cover in playground
-- Small fence at birthday area no longer block bullets/grenades
-- Simplified corridor to CT sniper position
-- Improved player visibility
-- Improved performance
一系列的 地图 更新优化

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《完美csgo》csgo官网2月21日更新内容_csgo csgo官网相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)



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