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《全境封锁 3dm》全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)官网4月8日更新内容_全境封锁 全境封锁更新

全境封锁 全境封锁 3dm 全境封锁 3dm攻略 2018-12-17 21:36:32

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)全境封锁 3dm攻略组来给各位喜欢全境封锁 3dm的小伙伴分享关于《全境封锁 3dm》全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)官网4月8日更新内容_全境封锁 全境封锁更新的精彩内容

本文关键词:全境封锁 3dm攻略,全境封锁 3dm,全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)官网4月8日更新内容

全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)官网4月8日更新内容


To sum up the list of changes brought with update 1.1 in regards to item drops and crafting, we will:


Increase drop rates of High-End items on named NPCs (100% drop rate, actually)


Increase drop rates of Division Tech, to make it less of a bottleneck than it currently is

Modify loot tables for each named NPC, to make the hunt for loot more controlled


Increase conversion costs of lower quality materials to high quality ones, making it harder to convert low quality materials into high quality ones


Decrease construction yields, making it less interesting to farm lower quality items in order to obtain crafting materials, and because you’ll get more High-End items as a whole


Increase cost of crafting High-End items, because High-End materials will be much easier to come by

These changes will not only make crafting and dropping more coherent towards each other, but will also make it feel much more fun and rewarding.


Balancing an online game is no easy task, and while we believe that these changes are a step in the right direction for the future of the game, we will keep monitoring the situation and address what needs to be modified. But more than that, we will have an eye on all aspects of your experience, and balance things when needed. Sometimes it means making hard decisions that might not be appreciated, and when this happens we will make sure to give you the visibility you need to understand why these decisions are made.

Your feedback is very valuable to us, so keep the discussions going, we will be reading!

-The Division Team


以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《全境封锁 3dm》全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)官网4月8日更新内容_全境封锁 全境封锁更新相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)

更多相关精彩内容请查看全境封锁 3dm精彩内容

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