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《gta5游民星空》GTA5飞碟UFO怎么进入?_侠盗猎车手5飞碟UFO进入条件揭秘_ufo gta5 飞碟

GTA5 gta5游民星空 gta5游民星空攻略 2018-10-29 17:32:07

游戏嘟嘟网(www.youxidudu.com)gta5游民星空攻略组来给各位喜欢gta5游民星空的小伙伴分享关于《gta5游民星空》GTA5飞碟UFO怎么进入?_侠盗猎车手5飞碟UFO进入条件揭秘_ufo gta5 飞碟的精彩内容


如果没有受伤 全局变量就会变成 -1~+999 UFO就会加载

假设条件都打成 玩家就可以从C山里面进入UFO

渣翻译 不黑不喷 能看懂原文更好 欢迎斧正

还有一种情况 关注男友4的玩家应该知道在paracel storm地图中 DICE制作了一份锯齿鲨和UFO的彩蛋

在其他地图 DLC中都给了很多很多暗示和线索 但是在今年年初 DICE宣布取消了这个彩蛋 因为一直没有完成 这彩蛋也占用了太多资源 所以就取消了 很扫兴的一件事情 (但是在下次CTE的DLC更新中会还原彩蛋 DICE已经修复)

这次的GTA5 UFO很有可能也是这种情况 官方一直给线索 但是代码可能并未完成 想要玩家以正当手段触发彩蛋 而不是作弊 所以代码的编译应该很困难?? 我们很多玩家都很享受发现这个彩蛋的乐趣 这种探索的过程

如果想开UFO 又嫌探究的过程麻烦懒得做 请你去打MOD 不要在这喷人 谢谢

感谢原文翻译 @真_宅男战士 @真_宅男战士 @真_宅男战士 因为很重要所以at三遍

The people chasing secrets in Grand Theft Auto think they’ve made a breakthrough. They say they’ve found evidence that suggests that maybe there’s a way to get abducted by aliens in-game...without the help of mods or cheats.


So far, players have found four different UFOs inside of GTA V. The UFOs can light up and make sounds, but you still can’t really do anything with them. Nobody has discovered a way to pilot the ships, or a way to go inside of the ships. But there’s this sense that there’s more to these UFOs—more to GTA V itself, really. Which is why people are still searching for mysteries in a game that might not actually have any left.


The latest effort: yesterday, a Reddit user named trainwreck42o made a thread with an incredible claim: they found code in GTA V that pertains to loading UFO interiors. That is to say, they’re pretty certain there’s something inside of the UFOs; they claim that the game has the capability to load more than what we’ve seen of UFOs thus far. But the only way to view these interiors is to a) not be injured and b) to meet another mystery requirement. Trainwreck doesn’t know what this requirement is. All they know is that once it’s met, the code will recognize it as a specific variable (-1 or 999, to be specific), and it will react accordingly. The assumption is that nobody has met the requirement yet.

以上就是游戏嘟嘟小编给大家分享的《gta5游民星空》GTA5飞碟UFO怎么进入?_侠盗猎车手5飞碟UFO进入条件揭秘_ufo gta5 飞碟相关内容,如果喜欢,请收藏本站:游戏嘟嘟(www.youxidudu.com)


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